From Cell 2 Soul Interviews an Ex-Con About His Difficulties in Finding a Decent Job After Release from Federal Prison
In this interview, Rudy Parker describes the difficulty he had finding after work federal prison. His frustrations are evident as he explains how he has been forced to jump from job to job trying to make a living as a convicted felon. He reveals that his record and lack of job training have been barriers towards him finding work. He also feels that race may have played a factor in his employment struggles. From Cell 2 Soul Federal Prison Consultants offers Rudy a suggestion about seeking employment in the best job field open to ex-cons after incarceration.
From Cell 2 Soul Prison Consultant Discusses Some Programs Available to Federal Ex-Cons Upon Reentry
In the interview, From Cell 2 Soul Federal Prison Consultant, Scott Brooks, explains several programs available to help federal ex-cons find employment. On a state level, Vocation Rehabilitation is available for job training and for funds to buy work related items, like: boots, tools, clothes, and other items. On a federal level, Pell Grants can help felons take classes and earn certifications like a HVAC or an Electrician's License. This money also can be used to get certified for a job in the most lucrative job available to felons after prison.
Our Prison Consultant Describes the Best Job Opportunity Available to Ex-Cons Upon Reentry
The most forgiving job available to ex-cons upon release is Commercial Truck Driving. This field has a nationwide shortage, and most employers have a forgiving attitude towards felons. Pell Grants are available to pay for training and certification, but many companies will pay for employees to get their commercial drivers license. The job itself provides a way to travel and get paid, which may be appealing after spending so much time behind a fence and razor wire.
From Cell 2 Soul Federal Prison Consultants Help Clients and Their Families from Sentencing All the Way to Reentry
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