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Federal Ex-Con Discusses the Loophole that Prevented Him from Earning the RDAP Time Cut

An Otherwise Eligible Inmate Was Denied a Year Sentence Reduction

In From Cell 2 Soul Prison Consulting Blog's second interview, I speak with Emilio Medina about his years in federal prison. He and I served time together at FCI-Petersburg and USP Yazoo City. His words will be important to white-collar criminals and other first-time offenders who believe they may be eligible for RDAP, the Federal Bureau of Prison's Residential Drug Abuse Program.

This drug program provides a year sentence reduction to eligible inmates who complete the program. In our discussion, he explains how, although otherwise eligible, he was denied the time cut when he reached his designated prison. At From Cell 2 Soul Federal Prison Consultants we help our clients determine their eligibility and show them how to maximize their chances at success with the program.

Emilio Shares Insights About Doing Time

In addition to the important information about RDAP, Emilio Medina shares tips regarding relationships and mindset while in custody. His perspective helped him minimize stress while enduring the experience. Anyone facing incarceration should watch the interview.

Why From Cell 2 Soul Blog Interviews People with Lived Experience

From Cell 2 Soul Federal Prison Consultants prepares clients for the intimidating experience they face. We understand that knowledge dissipates fear. Armed with the proper information, an intimidating experience can be turned into something that might still be uncomfortable but no longer scary. For this reason, we will continue to provide testimonies from people who've been there and survived the experience to help our viewers, clients, and their loved ones better cope with the unfortunate situation they face.

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