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Course One: Arrest through the First 90 Days in Prison

  • 21 Steps
CEO of From Cell 2 Soul explains online course series and the contents of course one:  First 90 days in federal prison


This course covers Step One in From Cell 2 Soul's Five-Part Strategy to prepare white-collar criminals and other first-time offenders for their time in federal prison. This course covers the time shortly after conviction, or guilty plea, all the way through the first, three-months in a federal correctional facility. It answers every question a new fish will have about the first days in custody, including answers to many questions they would not know to ask. It takes a unique look at the sentencing process from a convict perspective, without offering legal advice. Most importantly, it prepares first-timers for the initial screening process in custody, covers basic safety techniques, and helps newbies get as comfortable as the situation allows in the fastest time possible.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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